Saturday, August 21, 2010

Week Two - No Vuvuzelas

The nice thing about the World Cup is the sports networks begin to show more real, non-MLS football. Watched English Premier last weekend and some European Champions League - Young Boys pounded the Totts. There haven't been any great matches, and that's ok, because without the din of vvz's you can actually hear the team chants. Finally on football, the Brazil v USA friendly was pathetic. Both Bradleys should be the first to leave in the house cleaning of USA soccer.

Props to my wife for working online coupons to get two cases of huggies for the price of one. I'll drink another Shiner Octoberfest to that one!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

9 M O B I G and 40 Y O G O M

Princess Katy is nine months old today. Of course we have photos to document her reign, and you can see them all when you CLICK HERE. Katy is not yet walking; however, she is fully mobile and into everything that is allowed.
The Princess had a great time helping the Toddfather - aka 40 Year Old Grumpy Old Man - celebrate his 40th in style with a beautiful and tasty death by chocolate cake from the Jack of Cakes. CLICK HERE to see more beautiful, delicious cakes from Heidi Jack.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood

The Princess and I set off for the park this morning, we heard an unusual bird call. I scanned the trees and directly in front of us was a hawk that had killed a bird and had it pinned down to a treebranch. I whipped out my trusty cell phone for a pic, and you can see a faint outline of the hawk in the tree. The unusual call was a bird that was not happy the hawk chose it's spouse/parent/friend for breakfast. We made sure not to get too close, watched a minute and went on our way to the park.
Upon our return about a half hour later the hawk was finishing breakfast and had left a great mess of feathers for the neighbors. The unhappy bird was still berating the hawk with great fervor.
A beautiful day, indeed!