Monday, February 22, 2010

Princess On The Move

The Princess started the week with her first rollover and has successfully rolled from tummy to back and vice-versa. She's very excited that more snow is on its way tomorrow.

We had a great weekend in spite of the Toddfather's whack back. I am happy to report great improvement after lots of ice therapy and stretching over the weekend. I am happier to report I now get to do heat therapy and no longer have to lay on ice sheets for 30 minute periods.

Mommy and Aunt Ashley attended the Rock The Stars Ball with Rick Springfield, and Katy donned her finest for the occasion.

Guitar Bill Brooks came to visit the Princess bearing fashionable gifts for her wardrobe.

1 comment:

  1. Mom, Dad and Baby Katy look fanatastic! Can't believe she's rolling. Next, scooting and then crawling! Ahhhhh!!
