Friday, December 10, 2010

One plus one

One year and one month - it's been a fun ride, and Katy can't wait till she is a big sis next summer.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Princess Katy is ONE!

Katy celebrated her first year with many presents and much fun. She is the happiest baby on the block, and can't wait till she is a big sister next summer.

Monday, September 13, 2010

See Katy Walk

I was away on vacation the last two weeks, so I have a couple of posts to make. First, Princess Katy turned 10 months old 9/7, AND she took her first steps. I captured video of the Princess taking steps with her Papa, Great Grandma and Mommy on the morning of 9/11/10.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Week Two - No Vuvuzelas

The nice thing about the World Cup is the sports networks begin to show more real, non-MLS football. Watched English Premier last weekend and some European Champions League - Young Boys pounded the Totts. There haven't been any great matches, and that's ok, because without the din of vvz's you can actually hear the team chants. Finally on football, the Brazil v USA friendly was pathetic. Both Bradleys should be the first to leave in the house cleaning of USA soccer.

Props to my wife for working online coupons to get two cases of huggies for the price of one. I'll drink another Shiner Octoberfest to that one!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

9 M O B I G and 40 Y O G O M

Princess Katy is nine months old today. Of course we have photos to document her reign, and you can see them all when you CLICK HERE. Katy is not yet walking; however, she is fully mobile and into everything that is allowed.
The Princess had a great time helping the Toddfather - aka 40 Year Old Grumpy Old Man - celebrate his 40th in style with a beautiful and tasty death by chocolate cake from the Jack of Cakes. CLICK HERE to see more beautiful, delicious cakes from Heidi Jack.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood

The Princess and I set off for the park this morning, we heard an unusual bird call. I scanned the trees and directly in front of us was a hawk that had killed a bird and had it pinned down to a treebranch. I whipped out my trusty cell phone for a pic, and you can see a faint outline of the hawk in the tree. The unusual call was a bird that was not happy the hawk chose it's spouse/parent/friend for breakfast. We made sure not to get too close, watched a minute and went on our way to the park.
Upon our return about a half hour later the hawk was finishing breakfast and had left a great mess of feathers for the neighbors. The unhappy bird was still berating the hawk with great fervor.
A beautiful day, indeed!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ten Ten Ten

Princess Katy, Mommy and The Toddfather invite you to join them for Change is Good. CLICK HERE for all the details on this great event to help abused and neglected children in Dallas county.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

8 M O B I G

Two-thirds a year old! The Princess pulled herself up to stand for the first time yesterday morning, and repeated her trick for Mommy and the video camera last night. The Toddfather had conflicting emotions of pride and fear that life as he knew it is close to over. Princess Katy, Beary, and Funny Bunny played for the camera to commemmorate eight great months - click here to see the online album.

Monday, June 28, 2010

The New Global Revolution in Sport

Fed up with World Cup hullaballoo, these two young-uns, barely half a year old, invented a new sport on a hot Sunday afternoon in 2010. It's Ducktussle. It can be played with two or four people of any age and gender. I'm sure canines would willingly join in, and I caution that canine participants may not adhere to the Rules of Fair Ducktussle Play.

This is the ultimate sport for our soft, fair world today, because Ducktussle doesn't have a winner. The objective of Ducktussle is to learn sharing. There are no winners or losers. Play is strictly limited to a fake, stuffed duck - using a real duck would be cruel and messy. Emotions such as crying, taunting and feigning injury may occur, and are strongly discouraged in the Rules of Fair Ducktussle Play. Tussle on!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday Afternoon Camera Experiment

Babies are a great excuse to take out photographic equipment and play. Speaking of play, yesterday, the US played their best game yet in the Cup. Keep it up boys!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day

The Toddfather has been enjoying the World Cup as he has done since 94. Most matches aren't worth watching. I think US has a good chance to advance if they don't allow a goal in the first fifteen minutes of the game tomorrow morning. Maybe a win will light a fire in the team that will send them further than they have ever been in the Cup. That would be a pleasant surprise - I'm not counting on it. Argentina, Spain and Portugal will go a long way. I have my money on Messi and Maradona. The Argentines have been the most consistent through group play of all three, and just sealed the win over Greece with a goal by a 36 year-old.

The Princess' Noni and Papa visited for a long Father's day weekend, and everyone had a wonderful time. We continue to visit the pool to shake our finger at the nasty summer heat. Toddfather geeked out at the Nordstrom men's sale and continues to break in the new camera with great vigor. PK is about to advance to the full-on supersonic crawling method and can sit up on her own with ease. She loves to laugh and 'h-h-h-hyperventilates' when she is excited as you will see in the video.

Monday, June 7, 2010

7 M O B I G

Princess Katy is seven months old today. PK's hair is growing noticeably, she has two teeth up top, and one tiny bottom tooth. She enjoys crawling military style, and requires more vigilant supervision daily. She has had a cold the past few days, and remains a happy little princess in spite of the crud.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


The Toddfather, PK and Mommy have had a weekend full of adventure and it is not yet Memorial Day. Maybe we can all get a little rest on the holiday. Approaching 40, the Toddfather took many pictures to assist with his memory of all the activity.

Slip 'N Slide

Princess Katy and the Toddfather start the summer with some extreme watersliding at the local pool.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pictures I took with my fancy new camera

I have been playing with my new toy for 48 hours and have amassed a few pictures you can check out here. I think they are good considering I have only invested about ten minutes reading the instrucitions. So, for accountability, I am telling all the electronic world I will read the camera instructions. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Papa's got a brand new bag

The Toddfather and Princess Katy both acquired new toys yesterday. The Toddfather acquired a sweet new camera that he used to take the picture of PK with one of her spanking new bouncy balls. The camera is an early Daddy Day gift because Mummy thinks Daddy has been taking some nice pix lately. What do you think? BONUS - the camera came with a GINORMO gadget bag for all of Toddfather's photographic toys.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

M R Dux!!!

Yesterday, the Princess saw Dr. T for all her shots and checkup. Doc says PK is progressing on schedule, measuring just shy of 16 lbs and 28 inches. The Toddfather will be glad when we are done with all the requisite shots and their ensuing drama.

Princess Katy loves a good picnic, and nothing beats ducks and geese vying for hunks of doughy white bread. Check out all the fun of Mother's Day, mirror play and duck feeding.

Friday, May 7, 2010

6 M O B I G

Today, Princess Katy is a SIX MONTH OLD BEAUTIFUL INTELLIGENT GIRL! She loves her Mommy (Happy Moms Day!) and her Toddfather, swingsets, bathtime, and making squishies. PK is very mobile with her rock n' roll flip flop moves. She is perfecting sitting up on her own and seems to have been teething for two months without any teethers to speak.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Watch Katy's facial expressions to see what she thinks of carrots.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Miracle Max has been through surgery (last Friday) and is finishing his first round (five treatments) of chemotherapy today. Pray that he has good blood counts so he is able to recuperate at home until his second round of chemo. Max has a website you can visit at to get regular updates.

Princess Katy seems to be happier every day. She squeals with joy when eating, at bedtime, during diaper changes and whenever she pleases. Her new trick is sitting on her own (with close monitoring), and we expect she will crawl before long. Grammy joined us for dinner on Sunday, and Uncle Stephen and Aunt Ashley dined with us on Monday. The Princess does not like peas, but will have to tolerate them a regular part of her diet.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Meet Miracle Max

My handsome nephew Maxwell (Max) is six years old, and in need of prayer for another miracle in his life. Max was born two months premature and was released home early, hence his nickname, Miracle Max.
Max is a caring, smart, and athletic kindergartner in central California. Yesterday, Max had a CT scan that revealed a kidney mass that is a advanced/Stage Four Neuroblastoma. He is at the children's hospital for removal of the cancerous mass today. Pray for miraculous healing from our Lord Jesus Christ; and for strength for daddy Sam, mother Dawn, big bro Wonder Wes, and Lovely Lyla Grace his little sister.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jedi Training Module Dance of Bliss

Princess Katy was exuberant after a beautiful spring walk and her daily bucketswing fix. The Toddfather sounds like a prize dork in the vid and plans to load autotune software so he can sound more like Snoop Dogg or Tony Bennett. Props to the Pearsons who did the Princess' bedtime reading last night, and BIG props for the bottle o' grape juice they brought with them to the castle.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

SWEET - Five months old!

Princess Katy turned five months old yesterday and had a very busy day. The Toddfather had to get an adjustment for his whack back, so the Princess charmed everyone at Dr. Glass' while Daddy got his back cracked. Katy visited her first electronics store in an emergency to fix our bigscreen. All the TV displays were mesmerizing as the Princess doesn't watch TV. Her big day was topped off with a visit to meet the Sweet girls (pic above) from Mommy's small group. Katy loved meeting everyone at youth group, and made time in her busy schedule to pose for a great Bday photo shoot.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Head of the Sunday School Class

Check out the pix of all the Easter Week excitement. The Princess acquired massive new real estate in her groovy Joovy Room. It has plentiful space for performing flip-flops and multiple toys with room to spare. The Toddfather got cookin' for the Carlson fam who visited from Cali. Aunt Suzy is very excited the Carlsons appear to be returning to Texas this summer. Thanks to the Carlsons for the ginormous peach pie, ice cream, roses, and baby flair. Mommy and Daddy returned to Church for Easter service, so the Princess went straight to the head of her Blue Sky Sunday School Class. Aunt Ashley and Mommy whipped up an incredible Easter Brunch - Thanks ladies. Also on Easter, we visited Great Granny where the Princess bonded with cousin Bridget and giggled with Grammy.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

BSC&S Pics

I neglected to add the link to the most recent pics in this morning's post.
Toddfather opine - Erykah Badu's video shoot in Dealey Plaza was a desperate attempt to revive her long-expired 15 minutes of fame. How sad to see such wasted talent.

Bucketswings, slides, cereal and SUV's.

The princess loves the playground and we visit every chance we get. Cereal is from another planet, but we always finish our bowl. Toddfather still has his Harley and is parking the Princess' new coach in the royal garage. The Princess can't wait to get decked out for her first visit to the Church nursery in her Easter finery. Life is good in Texas!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Winkle and Skwish

Princess Katy is four months old now so check her out HERE.
We are loving the great spring-like Texas weather. Katy is rocking her Jedi Training Module (pic at left) and enjoying other great training tools like her Winkle and Skwish. Speaking of Star Wars, we are enjoying skyping with the Grand Fam in Cali with our voices and video magically beaming through fiber optic cables.
The Toddfather is cruising on the Road King and starting to work in the yard. The convertible Cobra is no longer a member of the family after 12 years and will soon be replaced in the garage with a fam-friendly compact SUV. I'm doing just fine with the Cobra's absence and admittedly should have sold it some time ago.
Queen Suz is a lil sad, too, as another year has disappeared and a Big Bday was celebrated last weekend. She takes great pleasure reminding the Toddfather he is older and will soon celebrate the BIG FOUR O.
We expect to get our Censeless form in the snail any day. We have some brainiacs at the Censeless Bureau as we have received TWO mail pieces letting us know our form is going to arrive soon. How senseless that the CB would spend BILLIONS to mail two extra pieces on top of the radio, TV and other media waste employed.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

Kool Katy

The Princess kicked it with cousins Taylor and Kasey, and Susie from Cali. Check out the pix. What a great week!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Miraculous Midweek Mobile Munchkin Movie

Katy was so distraught at the lack of promised snow yesterday that she was unwilling to perform the flip for the camera. However, Wednesday brought sunshine and smiles to the Princess - witness her magic moves.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Princess On The Move

The Princess started the week with her first rollover and has successfully rolled from tummy to back and vice-versa. She's very excited that more snow is on its way tomorrow.

We had a great weekend in spite of the Toddfather's whack back. I am happy to report great improvement after lots of ice therapy and stretching over the weekend. I am happier to report I now get to do heat therapy and no longer have to lay on ice sheets for 30 minute periods.

Mommy and Aunt Ashley attended the Rock The Stars Ball with Rick Springfield, and Katy donned her finest for the occasion.

Guitar Bill Brooks came to visit the Princess bearing fashionable gifts for her wardrobe.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Chiro Friday

First, lots of great new Princess portraits are online HERE

Second, we started our day at the chiropractor because I threw my back out GETTING UP FROM THE COUCH - WTH - WHAT THE HECK?!? Praise God Suz had an appointment at her chiro for 8:30 that she allowed me to take, and PTL she had no appointments to cancel at the office, so she is graciously doing my job taking care of Katy. I am sad that I will miss the League's Ball with Rick Springfield tomorrow night. I look great in a tuxedo and was looking forward to re-visiting the sixth grade. I could suck it up, but cannot fathom the embarrassment of my back going out while bopping to Jesse's Girl.

Third, I have added some tasty Chicken Tortilla Soup to the cooking repertoire.

Fourth, pray my back heals so I can get back to the job I love - being a Daddy to Princess Katy.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Video Update

You quite possibly won't be able to view the videos below so leave a comment with your email address and I can add you to have videos sent to your inbox.

We had beautiful Texas weather today, so the Princess made her first trip to the snailmail box and we had fanmail from Canada. Later we took a healthy stroll around the hood. Snowmen were dying everywhere and even saw one snow torso at least two feet in diameter refusing to go to snowman heaven.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Katy's First Snow

Katy wishes everyone a Happy Valentines and asks that you check out her new pictures HERE.

Texas Snowday

We are all chilling at the Castle. The Princess saw her first snow yesterday, and record levels of snow have us wishing for some much needed global warming in Texas. I captured Katy and Mommy singing Old MacDonald yesterday morning.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What's up -- Super Week!

Noni and Papa visited from Cali. We visited Grammy and Grandpa Bill where we caught a glimpse of JerryWorld. Princess Katy turned three months old, began turning onto her side and enjoyed her first SuperBowl. She loved the game, and was disappointed the Cowboys didn't make it to the big dance. Like everyone, the ads entertained and were the source of much discussion. Imagine her disappointment to learn some less fortunate babies struggle with the disease of milkaholism.

Check out our recent PIX

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Baby feet rock!

Check out the hot hd flip video of Mommy waking Princess from Saturday afternoon nap!

Why did I get a blog?!

I didn't want to use phasebook or myspace. Check back for videos and pix.